Learn from BAIR.

A Piece of the Process: EPA Method 1 Part 1

A Piece of the Process: EPA Method 1 Part 1

August 01, 20222 min read

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.- Henry Ford

A Piece of the Process: EPA Method 1 Part 1

9 of 10 compressor engine stacks that we test do not have safe access to test ports for proper sampling procedures to be satisfied. While access is common for catalyst housings, they often do not extend to test ports or sampling locations for emissions testing.

How stack testing tools

Your Stack Tester and YOU

Every mobile lab in BAIR's fleet is equipped with a lift to provide access to test ports, enhancing our logistical ability to safely and successfully provide our clients with fully compliant stack tests. When details matter, BAIR is here for you!

EPA Reference Method 1

Any successful stack test plan starts with identifying the proper sampling locations. This can be determined by asking yourself a few simple questions:

  • Are there “Test” ports?

  • Is “Safe Access” provided to the sample location?

  • Are “Flow Disturbance” criteria met?

This commonly overlooked starting point can often determine whether your results will be determined by regulatory bodies. Unfortunately, It’s all too common to find supposed testing “professionals” skipping these necessary considerations, and thus tainting their overall test results.

Stack testing doesn't have to be a complicated process, you simply need to understand that preparation for the arrival of a technician is just as integral to the process as the actual test itself. Once you take that into account, the whole process becomes so much easier.

At BAIR we are seeking to transform and evolve the world of emissions testing to ensure a cleaner solution that you not only have to do once, but do RIGHT. We supply next level full service testing for natural gas emissions and air particulates. Whether it's a compressor engine, turbine, generator, industrial heater or boiler, thermal oxidizer, or any other source that combusts natural gas, BAIR’s experienced analytical team is prepared to assist you tune your source, gather data for engineering studies, and/or perform testing to comply with state or federal regulations with the highest standards towards quality assurance.


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Randy Bartley

CEO at BAIR, the Leader in Gas Compression Stack Testing Services! BAIR is outpacing other Stack Testing Firms, capitalizing on mobilization efficiencies, using the newest technologies to deliver the most accurate measurements with full adherence to EPA approved methods. NEVER WORRY ABOUT STACK TESTING COMPLIANCE AGAIN!

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Learn from BAIR.

A Piece of the Process: EPA Method 1 Part 1

A Piece of the Process: EPA Method 1 Part 1

August 01, 20222 min read

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.- Henry Ford

A Piece of the Process: EPA Method 1 Part 1

9 of 10 compressor engine stacks that we test do not have safe access to test ports for proper sampling procedures to be satisfied. While access is common for catalyst housings, they often do not extend to test ports or sampling locations for emissions testing.

How stack testing tools

Your Stack Tester and YOU

Every mobile lab in BAIR's fleet is equipped with a lift to provide access to test ports, enhancing our logistical ability to safely and successfully provide our clients with fully compliant stack tests. When details matter, BAIR is here for you!

EPA Reference Method 1

Any successful stack test plan starts with identifying the proper sampling locations. This can be determined by asking yourself a few simple questions:

  • Are there “Test” ports?

  • Is “Safe Access” provided to the sample location?

  • Are “Flow Disturbance” criteria met?

This commonly overlooked starting point can often determine whether your results will be determined by regulatory bodies. Unfortunately, It’s all too common to find supposed testing “professionals” skipping these necessary considerations, and thus tainting their overall test results.

Stack testing doesn't have to be a complicated process, you simply need to understand that preparation for the arrival of a technician is just as integral to the process as the actual test itself. Once you take that into account, the whole process becomes so much easier.

At BAIR we are seeking to transform and evolve the world of emissions testing to ensure a cleaner solution that you not only have to do once, but do RIGHT. We supply next level full service testing for natural gas emissions and air particulates. Whether it's a compressor engine, turbine, generator, industrial heater or boiler, thermal oxidizer, or any other source that combusts natural gas, BAIR’s experienced analytical team is prepared to assist you tune your source, gather data for engineering studies, and/or perform testing to comply with state or federal regulations with the highest standards towards quality assurance.


blog author image

Randy Bartley

CEO at BAIR, the Leader in Gas Compression Stack Testing Services! BAIR is outpacing other Stack Testing Firms, capitalizing on mobilization efficiencies, using the newest technologies to deliver the most accurate measurements with full adherence to EPA approved methods. NEVER WORRY ABOUT STACK TESTING COMPLIANCE AGAIN!

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